Tikkun Documents

We hope you find them enriching!

Gospel of the Kingdom Tikkun Ministries Canada Twelve Pillars

The Twelve Pillars

Congregational Life Protocols Tikkun Ministries Canada Golan

Tikkun Canada Congregational Life Protocols

Tikkun Perspective on the One Law Teaching Tikkun Ministries Canada

Tikkun Perspective on the One Law Teaching

Tikkun America Network Tikkun Ministries Canada

Tikkun America Network

Recovering the Jewish Roots and Jewish Mission of the Church with Biblical Balance Tikkun Ministries Canada

Recovering the Jewish Roots and Jewish Mission of the Church with Biblical Balance

Tikkun Ministries Links

Tikkun Ministries Canada is an equipping network to produce healthy and devoted Kingdom communities committed to Messianic Jewish ministry. We connect congregations to ignite passion for Yeshua, experience power in the Holy Spirit, strengthen accountability, and build lifelong relationships.
