Welcome to Tikkun Ministries Canada
Tikkun is Hebrew for Restoration
Tikkun Ministries Canada is a network of One New Man congregations worshipping together as Jews and Gentiles, One New Man in Messiah Yeshua. We are a part of the Tikkun Global family, under the leadership of Tikkun America.
We are dedicated to the dual restoration of Israel and the Church. We believe this dual restoration moves us toward our fulness and maturity in Yeshua (Eph. 4:11-16), and towards the coming of the Kingdom of God on earth and the restoration of all things (Acts 3:21).
We recognize that all believers are grafted in to Israel’s olive tree (Romans 11:13-24), therefore both Messianic Jews and Gentile Christians have a hope and a calling in and towards Israel.
God’s One New Man (Eph. 2:15), His Olive Tree (Rom. 11) is made up of Israel and the nations, and when we come together in Yeshua, blessing will follow (Ps. 133).
We are a growing community of congregations in Canada seeking to serve the Body of Messiah from coast to coast.

Temple Yeshua
North Douglas Church
675 Jolly Pl
Victoria BC V8Z 6R9
Live Stream & Indoor Services
Saturdays @ 10:30am

House of David
204-4824 Ch De La Côte-Des-Neiges, Montreal, QC H3V 1G4
Radio broadcast:
760 WCHP 1pm EST Mon-Fri
Saturdays @ 11am

Shalom Restoration Fellowship
Messianic One New Man Congregation
2586 St Joseph Blvd Unit C
Orleans, ON K1C 1G3
Saturdays @ 10:00am